Teen Eagles Explore the Marxist-Leninist Worldview

Last month, Education Reporter introduced the topic of worldviews, or the ways people “view” the world in terms of their belief systems, ideology, understanding, and actions. We described the first episode in the St. Louis Teen Eagles’ (TE) series of exclusive videos on this topic, called Worldviews Explained: the Biblical Christian Worldview, and promised to alert readers when the next video was released.

We are pleased to announce that the second installment, Worldviews Explained: Marxism-Leninism, is now available on the group’s YouTube channel. Like the first presentation, this video describes five aspects of the worldview in question, including theology, biology, politics, economics, and history.

From a theological perspective, for example, Marxism/Leninism is based on atheism, the belief that God, whether known as “Creator, Supreme Being, or Divine Ruler, does not, cannot, and must not exist.” The Biblical God is an enemy of Marxism’s radical and impossible notion of a utopia ruled by man’s basest passions and presided over by a cabal of global governmental elites.

Biologically, evolution could not be more perfectly suited to the Marxist/Leninist worldview because it provides a perfect excuse for the rejection of natural law and the Creator God from Whom all human rights come. Thus, Marxists view rights as privileges given by the state.

The TE video explains that Karl Marx embraced Darwinism by stating: “Darwin’s work is most important and suits my purpose in that it provides a basis in natural science for the historical class struggle....” The presentation notes that Darwin’s “Origin of the Species” is almost never referred to by its full title: “On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.”

Darwinism opened the door for the Marxist interpretation of evolution that denies the supernatural and supports its dialectic that man’s reason is evolving. The TE video reveals that “Marx used Darwin’s philosophy as scientific grounds for racism and classism to reshape society believing that some races are more equal, favored, or superior to others.”

Politically, the Marxism/Leninism worldview espouses statism and world government. Marx admitted that “political power is merely the organized power of one class for oppressing another.” National sovereignty, energy policy, medicine, and virtually all other aspects of human life would be determined on a global scale through such entities as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO). “In the Marxist view of politics, all forms of government are ugly reflections of the fact that class antagonism exists.” The ultimate goal is global communism, where “class distinctions will no longer exist, private property will be abolished, and globalism formally enacted....”

Finally, the Marxist political agenda includes “the eradication of Judeo-Christian values, institutions, and individuals,” as well as the stripping away of individual rights and state sovereignty.

In the Marxism/Leninism worldview, economics is based on the abolition of private property and the natural rights of citizens. Marx’s chief gripe against capitalism was that “it breeds exploitation of the workers.” In other words, as the video shows, Marxists blame “the sins of individuals on the capitalist system rather than the true perpetrators, [which are] people’s sinful hearts that abuse good systems.”

While classic Marxism thrived on class struggle and economic division, their tactics have since changed. Today, activists focus on transforming our culture “to implement the same dialectic materialism through race, gender, and business.” Today, cultural Marxists use CRT (critical race theory), DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) rather than economics to change the culture.

The Marxism/Leninism worldview embraces “historical materialism,” wherein “only matter exists” so only an evolutionary perspective of history is permitted. “Humanity, as well as other living things are constantly improving and will continue to do so; the development of life constantly progresses.”

Ultimately, this worldview embraces the continued march of Marxist/Leninist Communism, until the end goal of totalitarian global control is achieved.

Education Reporter will update readers when the Teen Eagles’ third and final video on worldviews becomes available.

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