A Choice Not an Echo 2.0

In the updated 50th anniversary edition of Choice (published November 2014 and referred to in this article as Choice 2.0), former Texas Congressman Ron Paul wrote in the foreword that activists “will find a disturbing similarity between the Establishment’s treatment of grassroots conservatives in the 1950s and 1960s and its treatment of the liberty movement in 2008 and 2012” (p. xii). The updated Choice 2.0 gives extensive space to the “Rockefeller Machine” with particular attention to Senator Goldwater’s description of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission (TC). David Rockefeller organized the TC in 1972 at the Rockefeller family’s estate in Tarrytown, NY nearly a decade after Phyllis originally published Choice. 53

Phyllis lauded Goldwater for his exposure of the TC’s report “The Crisis of Democracy” presented at the plenary session of the TC’s May 30-31, 1975 meeting in Kyoto, Japan. 54 She said Goldwater “was one of the earliest to recognize the multinationals’ long-range scheme to induce Americans to accept a dumbed-down school system and a lower standard of living in order to compete in the global economy with cheap Third World labor.” 55 The full text of the report discussing American education states:

  • In the United States, some retrenchment in higher education is already underway as a result of slower growth in enrollments and new ceilings on resources. What seems needed, however, is to relate educational planning to economic and political goals. Should a college education be provided generally because of its contribution to the overall cultural level of the populace and its possible relation to the constructive discharge of the responsibilities of citizenship? If this question is answered in the affirmative, a program is then necessary to lower the job expectations of those who receive a college education. If the question is answered in the negative, then higher educational institutions should be induced to redesign their programs so as to be geared to the patterns of economic development and future job opportunities (emphasis added) (p. 190). 56

Regarding public administration, the same report recommends, “... a general reform of public administration and especially of local implementation systems should be a central practical concern ...” (emphasis added) (p. 185). Reform of “local implementation” translates as hierarchical centralization of administration, relegating local agencies to implementers of decisions made at higher nodes in the chain of command. In reality, Lou Gerstner’s 57 and Marc Tucker’s 58 exhortations to eliminate local school boards was not their idea — it was the Trilateral Commission’s.

In essence, the report recommends that the purpose of American education be transformed from a liberal arts education preparing the youth of local communities to govern themselves and engage in government (as stipulated in several state constitutions), to workforce preparation for global citizenship in an economy planned by a collaborative of international corporations working in partnership with national governments to maximize profitability and minimize individualism “for the greater good,” which really means for their greater good.

Choice 2.0 and the 2016 Election

Phyllis included a chapter in Choice 2.0 titled “Still Seeking a Choice Not an Echo: 2016.” She did not mention Donald J. Trump — he had not yet ridden down the golden escalator to announce his bid for the presidency (June 16, 2015). 59 She did, however, endorse him two years after her book was released. 60

She warned readers about closed-door events of Republican mega-donors to draft their pick — JEB Bush, the second son of Bush ’41. 61, 62 Phyllis encouraged the American grassroots by reminding them that the “Rockefeller machine” had been beaten twice before; once with the nomination of Senator Barry Goldwater over Governor Nelson Rockefeller, and once with the nomination and election of Ronald Reagan. She emphasized the importance of the ongoing fight to overcome New World Order globalist ideas, including efforts to federalize American education.

Phyllis Schlafly did not live to see grassroots Americans elect Donald Trump against the will of the Establishment in 2016. She would not have been surprised, however, by the opposition’s tactics and strange bedfellows reportedly employed to put Biden in the White House in 2020. 63, 64

America Still Needs a Choice in 2024

Since the distribution of Rockefeller wealth among increased numbers of Rockefeller descendants, and the death of David Rockefeller and other founding leaders of the Trilateral Commission, the “Rockefeller Machine” does not command the formidable presence it had when the Brothers were alive. 65, 66 But the transformation of American education envisioned by the Rockefeller dynasty is ongoing.

The infrastructure needed to achieve that transformation is still in place and has been instrumental in infusing the social-emotional learning agenda of David Rockefeller’s daughter (David Rockefeller, Jr.’s sister), Eileen Rockefeller Growald, into American Schools. 67

Sixty years after Phyllis first sounded the alarm about the hijacking of presidential elections by elitist kingmakers, Americans still need to reclaim their constitutional birthright to choose their president. The names may have changed since 1964 and 2014 and the strategy of deception has become more sophisticated, but the goal of the “next generation” kingmakers is the same — get control of government offices at the highest levels.

Last month, NBC news published an exclusive story, “Experts war-gamed what might happen if deepfakes disrupt the 2024 election. Things went sideways fast.” 68 The experts, dozens of prominent former senior U.S. and state officials, civil society leaders, and executives from technology companies, gathered recently in New York to participate in a simulated election exercise.

The exercise “explored a scenario with an array of both domestic and foreign actors launching election disinformation, exploiting rumors and seizing on political divisions.” For example, elderly voters are informed via phone calls that their local polling places are closed due to threats from militia groups. A flurry of photos and videos flood social media showing poll workers dumping ballots. But the phone calls and videos aren’t real — they turn out to be “deepfakes” created with artificial intelligence tools to reduce voter turnout and cause mistrust in election results.

During a recent premiere of his new documentary, General Michael Flynn was asked by a member of the audience, “How do we ensure we have free and fair elections in November?” His response was, “In my opinion, we won’t have free and fair elections in November.” He suggested that the only way to beat the odds of election tampering is to increase voter turnout to such a high percentage that it will overcome any interference tactics.

Phyllis helped Goldwater overcome the odds of beating a powerful political machine to cinch the Republican presidential nomination in 1964. She wrote A Choice Not an Echo to educate voters about the tactics of the kingmakers who manipulated the choice of nominees in order to select their choice.

Phyllis’s legacy of resistance against those who would subvert our voting rights for their globalist agenda lives on in her books and in the acts of resistance they inspire. In 2024, Trump can’t fight the elites and win by himself. Like Phyllis, we must do everything we can to foil the tactics of deception used to control our elections. Only by working together can we save the America we love.





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