War Against the Deep State

by Colonel Retired John Mills, Pierucci Publishing, 2023

The “Deep State” is a term that has gained a lot of traction since Donald Trump promised to “drain the swamp” in 2016. It is a vague term. Most people have a sense that there is another part of the government beyond the basic three branches; another entity making decisions without direct accountability. Colonel John Mills brings precision and clarity to this concept in his book War Against the Deep State. He describes what the Deep State is and how it infects politics at the local level. Based on his own experience, he shows readers what they can do to fight it on the county level.

In the Foreword, Ed Martin gives a preview of Mills’ work. The Deep State includes the three extraconstitutional branches of government: the administrative state, the surveillance state, and the nonprofit network.

“Moms will win this war,” Mills says. He emphasizes how mothers are deeply connected to their children and communities, and that they care very much about what happens to their children. In looking out for their children, moms have what it takes to go the extra mile and get things done. Many moms just need a road map to see who exactly is threatening their child’s future and how they can make an impact.

Mills writes that there are seven centers of gravity at the county level. These are where the Deep State meddles in local affairs, but they are also where an everyday citizen can fight back against Deep State power. They include:

  • County council
  • Election board
  • Registrar
  • School board
  • Sheriff
  • District judges
  • County Attorney

The true power in America is at the local level and is accessible to every citizen. The Deep State gains footholds at the local level because they know this is where the true power is as well. Mills calls this virulent Deep State takeover of local government nodes “maladministration.”

It is important to fight back at this level because our future is being taken from us. Transgender and LGBT ideology runs rampant in the public-school system. But moms have the right and the ability to make their voices heard at the school board. Foreign drugs are also harming our children. Although it is not particularly common for a child to use China-imported fentanyl, the digital version is nearly ubiquitous for kids. TikTok is digital fentanyl, sent by the Communist Chinese to destroy the minds of America’s children.

The Deep State has many tactics for taking over at the local level. They engage in “old school ballot stuffing”: reproducing fake ballots and forging signatures. This is distinct from ballot harvesting but impacts elections nonetheless. They also engage in voting machine fraud and create fraudulent voter rolls, which are lists of registered voters in a county.

The county registrar oversees the voter rolls. While the registrar is not necessarily part of it, there are many ways third parties can fabricate the voter rolls. There is also no official procedure for independent oversight in the election process. When the Deep State takes command of elections at the local level, it has national consequences.

This is a war, make no mistake about it. On a battlefield, pure numbers are good, but information is the deciding factor for victory. To ensure information dominance over the Deep State, all citizens should know their state and county governments in as detailed a manner as possible. Anyone can take action to increase accountability.

For example, Mills urges the reader to become a pro at letter writing. A clear, honest, well-researched, and easy-to-read letter can go a long way. Never accuse an official of a crime without courtroom-level evidence, Mills says. If one does come into possession of such evidence, they should go straight to the local sheriff and be specific about the abuse of laws and regulations. Do not politicize the issues and do not be partisan. He advises readers, based on his own experience, to be good at what they do, and their reputation will precede them. If one is honest, hardworking, and specific, county officials will have respect for the dutiful citizen. Readers should respect their officials too. Mutual respect is critical for getting things done.

Mills also draws on his own experience battling Deep State influence. He recalls his experience requesting records from the county registrar. The jury pool originates with the names on the voter rolls, but some jurors are rejected for reasons that would also make it illegal for them to vote, so they should not be on the voter rolls in the first place. Col. Mills wanted to get to the bottom of this discrepancy, so he made a legal request for county records. The registrar stonewalled him, but he kept pushing.

Eventually, the registrar resigned, unable to take the heat. Col. Mills got the chance to speak with the state Attorney General the following year and explained what was going on. Mills even dragged this registrar into court for failing to perform her duties. All it took was an $80 filing fee. The case was dismissed, but he was able to enter lots of evidence through his testimonies that could be used in future cases. Shine a light on the truth and it could be useful in the long run.

After providing some instructions on how to fight this fight, Mills dives deep into the various protocols and mechanisms of the Deep State. The Deep State uses public-private partnerships to accomplish things that government would not ordinarily be able to do alone. For example, the Customer Access Portal is a database of information that was originally meant to track terrorists and criminals, but as Elon Musk showed when he took over Twitter, the government was also using it to collect information about average citizens. The connection and cooperation of the DHS, DOJ, and DoD with Big Tech enables the government to use vast amounts of data they would not have access to otherwise.

Col. Mills spent time in Silicon Valley while he worked for the Department of Defense. During the war on terror, Mills acquired firsthand experience working with tech companies to increase and optimize metadata collection to take down terrorists. But once the government had these tools at its disposal, it did not want to give them up.

The United States uses the internet as a weapon to control information at home and abroad, Mills explains. Blog filtering and shadow banning are methods used by public-private partnerships to hide non-mainstream information. Dissident accounts are silenced without a bang, and websites that buck the narrative are hidden at the bottom of Google searches (or not shown at all).

Big data analytics have become an effective tool for controlling the political narrative, and Col. Mills describes how he was involved in the development of these analytic tools to gauge public sentiment. The original intent was to combat terrorism, but such tools have since been used to target American dissidents.

Jack Dorsey (founder of Twitter), Yoel Roth (former Head of Trust and Safety at Twitter), and Vijaya Gadde (former General Counsel at Twitter) were the gatekeepers of truth. Driven by utopianism as well as Deep State guidance, they chose what opinions could be heard and what opinions could not be heard. They had a list of the top 10,000 people in need of censoring, and Col. Mills was on that list, along with many other conservatives and truth sayers.

Senior FBI special agent Elvis Chan revealed that there was state-sponsored censorship going on behind the scenes at Twitter. Now, the DHS and CISA call the shots on what counts as disinformation, misinformation, and mal-information. The information control tactics being used on American citizens are identical to those used in the War on Terror. The Deep State is waging an information war against the American people; 51 intel officers lied about the Hunter Biden laptop to try to squash the supposed misinformation ahead of the election. Mark Zuckerberg even acknowledged that it was a lie earlier this year.

What we need, Col. Mills says, is a modern-day Church Commission. After the Vietnam War, the Church Commission investigated wrongdoing in the intelligence agencies. It set up new rules prohibiting assassinations, government overthrow, and spying on American citizens. These prohibitions have been eroded by the Deep State’s partnership system between local law enforcement, big tech, intelligence, and big government.

He describes a government weapon revealed during the Commission: the Shellfish Toxin Gun. Only 0.0000001g is enough to kill someone by causing a heart attack, and it is untraceable. The Deep State has weapons to assassinate people easily and make it look like an accident. Is this what happened to patriots like Andrew Breitbart and Justice Antonin Scalia? Did the Deep State take them out?

Rich Higgins, an acquaintance of Mills, was fired in 2017 from his job at the National Security Council after he sent a memo exposing how the Deep State was undermining Trump. He was being considered by Trump for a position in the Pentagon, but he died during a procedure necessitated by a bad case of COVID-19. It is speculation, but one has to wonder.

Another way the Deep State skirts the prohibitions of the Church Commission is by using shell companies. The CIA owns many companies, which allows it to pump and transfer capital to fund expensive operations. Air America was one of their front companies, which had many ties to the CCP. The CIA also developed Oracle and In-Q-Tel, data management technologies meant to spy on American citizens. And these are just things the public knows about. A new Church Commission is critical for exposing the depth of the corruption of the intelligence agencies.

The Deep State is also adept at regime change. The same tactics that were used to overthrow Saddam Hussein are now used by the Deep State to undermine the American Constitutional Order. High-Value Targeting is a psychological technique to cripple the morale and information of the other side in order to win a war with minimal bloodshed. Mills agrees there are good uses for these tactics and technologies. From Communism to Islamic radicalism, America has enemies we need to defend against. However, these tactics, technologies, and operations run rampant when there is no oversight or accountability. They can be turned against American citizens.

Americans have been sold down the river by Deep State efforts to promote globalism. Manufacturing and production are important aspects of a cohesive social body, but outsourcing has given this important economic power to China and other hostile nations. “A nation is not a nation unless it builds things,” Mills writes. Globalization since the 80s has exported manufacturing abroad. “The incredible civilization of Greece has now been reduced to a nation of coffee shops.” He names four corners of innovation that need to be retaken and operated domestically without Deep State interference. These are academia, major tech companies, innovative new tech companies, and venture capital firms. Each of these four corners of innovation should be democratized. They should be serving the people rather than the elites and international governments.

In reading this book, it seems that the Deep State is a giant monster, too big to be defeated by the average citizen. But if the people have information on their side and know what tactics to use, Deep State control can be undermined. The American people can fight back at the county level, as long as they are tenacious, active, focused, respectful, and professional. It will take time and endurance to make this change, but Americans must defeat the Deep State in order to restore the American Republic.

To read the entire book, go to OR Barnes & Noble to order!

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