Same Old Same Old: 2024 NAEP Scores Frighteningly Familiar

Some things never change, and one of these is the repetitively dismal National Association of Education Progress (NAEP) test results, which should emphasize for all Americans that something desperately needs to change in education. The 2024 NAEP reading scores for eighth graders show no significant improvement since 1992; scores overall are down five points since the pre-pandemic year of 2019 and two points lower compared to 2022. Reading assessment results were similar for fourth graders.

In math, eighth-grade scores remained essentially unchanged compared to 2022, but were down eight points from 2019. Fourth-grade scores improved by two points compared to 2022, but were down three points from 2019.

The above is a summary of national trends; test scores varied by state. The NAEP website notes: “Most states/jurisdictions and all urban districts with average score changes in 2024 had score increases compared to 2022, while compared to 2019 most states and all districts with average score changes in 2024 had declines.”

In its analysis of the latest NAEP results, Newsweek summarized that in grades four and eight, “pupils in multiple U.S. states have reading and math skills below the national average.” The article conveyed that fourth graders in 20 states “performed significantly below the national average of 237 points for math. New Mexico was the worst performing state, with a score of 224. In Alaska, students were 11 points below the national average, or 226 points. In other states, including West Virginia, D.C., New York and Arizona, students were between 1 and 10 points below the national average.”

In reading, fourth-graders in 19 states “had a score below the national average of 214. New Mexico had the lowest average of 201 points. Alaska was next in the rankings, with a score of 202. West Virginia, Oregon and Oklahoma also ranked low, with between 206 and 207 points.”

In sum, Newsweek reported: “the data published by the NAEP shows the reading and math skills of fourth and eighth grade students are significantly below those of students in 2019, the last administration of the test before the pandemic, when the national average for grade 4 and 8 students for both reading and math was higher.”

Reaction to the scores

Reaction to the latest NAEP results used the predictable excuse that students who performed most poorly are also the most disadvantaged economically and otherwise. But it occurs to almost no one in academia that students who are not taught to read using phonics, or who are not taught basic arithmetic upon which more advanced math skills can be built, are not going to excel, regardless of family income or social status. Whereas students in more well-off families are more likely to be tutored by parents or hired experts to make up for the lack of adequate classroom instruction, disadvantaged students are stuck with whole language and fuzzy math, if they learn any basic skills at all.

Newsweek reported that the U.S. Department of Education issued a statement lamenting the latest NAEP scores as follows:

  • [The] NAEP results reveal a heartbreaking reality for American students and confirm our worst fears: not only did most students not recover from pandemic-related learning loss, but those students who were the most behind and needed the most support have fallen even further behind. Despite the billions of dollars that the federal government invests in K-12 education annually, and the approximately $190 billion in federal pandemic funds, our education system continues to fail students across the nation.

We must do better for our students. The Trump Administration is committed to reorienting our education system to fully empower states, to prioritize meaningful learning, and provide universal access to high-quality instruction. Change must happen, and it must happen now."

States petition McMahon

The persistent failure of American students to make any significant strides in academic improvement is adding fuel to the fire of those calling for an end to the U.S. Department of Education. In late January, The 74 reported that education leaders in 12 red states sent a memo to Linda McMahon urging her to send federal money directly to them, despite the fact that she had not yet been confirmed as secretary.

The letter stated in part:

  • As the officials directly responsible for education in our states, we believe that the diverse needs of students, schools, and communities are best understood at the state and local levels ... We support many of the priorities of this Administration, including empowering parents, expanding career and technical education, and providing more education choices for students. We stand ready to support you in your efforts to restore state and local control over education and we welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss our efforts and ideas for K-12 education and collaborate on solutions.

Signed by top education officials in Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Utah, and Wyoming, the letter stopped short of recommending the shuttering of the U.S. Department of Education. But it urged the new administration to prioritize policies “that trust and empower state educational agencies (SEAs) to shape education systems that meet the unique needs of their students.” These include the prioritization “of state control of education funds” and the issuing of guidance that is “aligned with Congressional Intent that Defers to State Law and Policy.”

How significant an impact the letter is having on the Trump Administration is uncertain, but it’s logical to assume it can only serve to further encourage the loosening of federal reins on education. The Associated Press recently described the angst among Democrats at this prospect, using as an example Minnesota’s State Senator, Mary Kunesh, who speculated: “Imagine if we have billions of dollars frozen at the federal level. How are we going to make sure [students] have the curriculum they [need] to learn?” Apparently, Kunesh and her fellow Democrats fail to consider that if most students are not performing at even basic levels of competency, it speaks volumes about the curriculum. Many parents would agree their children aren’t learning the academic skills they need.

Project 2025

Progressives and the mainstream media have been wailing for months about Project 2025, a blueprint for a less costly, less bureaucratic government that is more accountable to its citizens, but which they label as “extreme.” These voices insist Project 2025 is driving the Trump Administration’s push to close the education department, among other moves to trim government agencies and reduce waste.

Project 2025 was created by more than 100 conservative organizations led by The Heritage Foundation, as Education Reporter described in some detail last September. What’s important for this discussion is that its blueprint includes a call for Department of Education funding to be allocated to other agencies, such as moving Title I funding to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for distribution to states in the form of block grants.

With Secretary McMahon and her leadership team expected to begin sorting out details of the administration’s plans without delay, the next few months are likely to be at least challenging and controversial. President Trump has distanced himself from Project 2025, but some of the ideas presented are similar to those he has outlined in his remarks and campaign speeches.

The state education leaders’ letter sums up the situation this way: “The transition to a new administration is an opportunity to reaffirm a shared commitment to student success and educational excellence. By prioritizing state leadership and flexibility, the Trump administration can unleash the full potential of America’s schools and students ... Please defer to state and local decision-making as much as possible in your actions.”

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