The Online Newspaper of Education Rights
This Edition: May 2023
Radical Left Circling Wagons with ‘Media Literacy Education’
As if the educational deck isn’t already stacked against schoolchildren with explicit sex education, transgender brainwashing, CRT indoctrination, and pornographic library books, a push to add “media literacy” standards is underway. Leftists are circling the wagons to further ensure that not a glimmer of unbiased instruction is included in the school day. An exposé by Real Clear Investigations (RCI) sheds light on this liberal offensive and the concept behind it.
For several years, Americans have been hearing the terms “disinformation” and “misinformation,” typically when used by liberals to describe anything written or spoken that is counter to the Democrat party line on COVID-19, the validity of the 2020 elections, and everything in between. According to RCI’s Ben Weingarten, the proponents of media literacy instruction claim “the goal is to teach students ‘how to consume information, not what information to consume.’” But the reality may be quite different.
MoreWhat is a Worldview?
Much like the obviously simple question “What is a Woman?” which made headlines when then-Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson couldn’t or wouldn’t answer it, many people cannot answer the question “What is a Worldview?”
An online search for the term quickly provides a number of definitions. describes it as “a type of belief system or ideology,” adding that “a person’s worldview can influence the way everything in the world is viewed, interpreted, and explained.”
MoreAmerican Federation for Children Champions School Choice
Former Trump Administration Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, long a supporter of education freedom, is also founder of the nonprofit American Federation for Children (AFC), which works to promote the expansion of school choice programs across the country. Long time school choice activist Corey DeAngelis is a senior fellow with the organization, which believes education dollars should “fund students, not systems.”
Recent surveys consistently show that high percentages of Americans favor school choice, with AFC reporting that 73 percent of parents support choice programs. School closures during the pandemic alerted many parents to what was actually going on in their children’s classrooms, and the result has been a groundswell of parents’ rights efforts, from vocal participation at school board meetings to the formation of new parents’ rights groups. These activists work with state legislators in many areas to curb radical leftwing curricula and enact school choice laws.
MoreParents’ Rights Movement Full Speed Ahead to 2024
On March 24, reported on an undercover audio tape published by the parents’ rights group Freedom Families United, which reveals school board members being trained to disregard parents’ wishes if they oppose woke curricula.
New Mexico School Board Association (NMSBA) Trainer Andrew Sanchez can be heard telling the state’s school board members that “parents do not have a fundamental right to tell you how public school teaches their child.” He further claims: “Parental rights end when you decide to send your kids to public school. What you teach this generation that will soon be voting [is] going to be instrumental to [our] future as a democracy and as society goes forward.”
Book Review
Mediocrity: 40 Ways Government Schools are Failing Today’s Students
By Connor Boyack and Corey DeAngelis
Libertas Press, 2023
- Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on May 17 signed into law five bills protecting women and children from radical transgender ideology. While not the first state to do so, Florida’s passage of Senate Bill 254 puts it in good company with 16 other states that have enacted similar laws. SB 254 prohibits “sex-reassignment prescriptions and procedures for patients younger than 18 years of age,” and attaches penalties including loss of license, civil liabilities, and felony charges with up to five years imprisonment and a $5,000 fine for violators.
- Target is the latest corporation to flout the majority of Americans with a woke nod to transgender insanity. On May 11, the Daily Mail Online reported that Target is promoting a “Pride collection” of pro-LGBTQ clothing for toddlers and elementary-school children, with up-front displays in many stores. The group Gays Against Groomers (GAG) is urging customers to boycott the retailer by taking their business elsewhere. GAG outed the clothing line on Twitter, complete with photos and a video of the items, which include shirts for children with the slogan “Trans People Will Always Exist!,”
- A recent national poll shows that a majority of Americans don’t want public school teachers discussing politics with their children in the classroom. Conservative America reported that Grinnell College and pollster J. Ann Selzer conducted the poll, which found that while most Americans approve of citizens and elected officials speaking their minds on politics, they oppose public-school teachers doing so. Among Republicans and those who said they lean Republican, 68 percent oppose teachers speaking about politics in class; as did 65 percent of suburban women, 63 percent of those earning $100K or above, and 64 percent of Catholics. More
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‘Remoulding’ the NEA for ‘Molding the Future’
Editor’s Note: In last month’s Education Reporter, Dr. Mary Byrne, Ed.D., provided an in-depth look at how public education in America has changed over the past century and the forces that have worked to effect these changes. This month, Education Reporter continues to publish her extensive research on this topic in the first of three follow-up articles.
The August 1997 Phyllis Schlafly Report posed the question, “Is the NEA Union 'Molding the Future'?” Phyllis wrote: “The NEA's political work is as much about ideology as harvesting increased tax dollars for public schools.” Then she identified a list of federal legislation the NEA supported to eliminate parents’ authority over their children’s education; expand big government control of education; expand government-run health care; support the U.N. agenda; and, support cultural values and behaviors aligned to “the New World Order” while denying any respect for traditional American culture and values.
by Dr. Mary Byrne
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