The Online Newspaper of Education Rights

This Edition: March 2024

Get Ready for Woke Biology:
Current Textbooks Accused of ‘Outdated Ideas’

One after another, the dominoes of traditional education are falling. The failure to teach basic academic skills is an increasingly obvious issue impacting many subjects, including reading, math, civics, history, “health,” and even science. Now, any semblance of teaching factual biology appears to be in jeopardy with the accusation that U.S. biology textbooks contain “misguided assumptions on sex and gender.”

The notion that sex and gender are different concepts has existed in American culture for years, and taught more recently by activist teachers to schoolchildren as young as kindergarten. It’s not surprising, therefore, that textbooks featuring actual biology must of necessity come under fire for failure to reflect these myths.


How Government Schools are Raising Activists

In his excellent book, The Marxification of Education — reviewed in Education Reporter last November— author and mathematician James Lindsay, Ph.D exposes Brazilian Marxist Paulo Freire’s considerable influence on American education during the past 40 years. While Freire died in 1997, his destructive pedagogy is alive and well today in classrooms across the nation, essentially holding that the role of an educator is to teach students to become dutiful Marxist revolutionaries.

One example of this philosophy in practice recently came to light in a post on X by parent Ramona Bessinger, which exposes the K-12 “Wit and Wisdom” curriculum in North Kingstown, Rhode Island’s 8th-grade English Language Arts (ELA) class. Purportedly available nationwide, Bessinger cautions that it may be known by different names in different areas of the country.


Legal Recourse for Saving Kids

Calling the school’s policy “a trifecta of harm,” a judge with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California ruled last September that the Escondido Union School District could not force two longtime teachers, Elizabeth Mirabelli and Lori Ann West, to violate their religious beliefs by lying to parents about their students’ gender dysphoria. The teachers were placed on leave for defying the school district’s policy of requiring them to hide students’ gender questioning from parents, and the ruling included an order for their reinstatement.

The Washington Free Beacon quoted U.S. District Court judge Roger Benitez as finding that the district’s policy “harms the child who needs parental guidance and possibly mental health intervention to determine if the incongruence is organic or whether it is the result of bullying, peer pressure, or a fleeting impulse. It harms the parents by depriving them of the long-recognized Fourteenth Amendment right to care, guide, and make health care decisions for their children. And finally, it harms plaintiffs who are compelled to violate the parent’s rights by forcing plaintiffs to conceal information they feel is critical for the welfare of their students.”


What Books Should Kids be Reading?

(Second in our series of recommended reading lists for children of all ages. We will publish additional lists in Education Reporter over the next few months. — Ed.)

Classic children’s books are scarcely to be found in school classrooms and libraries today, so parents must ensure that their kids are reading books that educate, absorb, and entertain in a manner that stimulates curiosity and increases the child’s eagerness to learn about the world.


Book Review

Tuttle Twins Season 1
Graphic Novels

by Connor Boyack,
Libertas Press


  • Florida’s sensible Parental Rights in Education Act, signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis in April 2022, will stand, according to a March 11 press release from the governor’s office on the final court ruling.

  • Chinese American activist and patriot Xi Van Fleet, who escaped the Maoist purge in Communist China during the 1980s and became a U.S. citizen, recently posted on X (Twitter) how American Marxists are taking propaganda from the classroom into public spaces such as the Dulles International Airport.

  • The Tuttle Twins recently made their political debut in the South Carolina legislature with their Season 2, Episode 8 educational cartoon titled Spooky, Stinky Subsidies.

  • Missouri attorney general Andrew Bailey is cautioning school districts around the state to “immediately cease discriminatory practices against students and staff.”

  • More

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Contributing Author Essays

10 Times as Many Teachers Say Trans, CRT Lessons Hurt Rather Than Help Schools

Originally published by The Washington Stand, February 27,2024. Reprinted by permission.

A new survey reveals a cavernous gap between teachers’ unions and the views of most parents, teenagers, and teachers on whether public schools should teach LGBT ideology to students — and whether parents should have the right to opt their children out of those classes.

While elite teachers’ unions such as the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) believe schools should teach sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) classes to children, their customers — parents and students — disagree, as do many of their members, according to a series of new polls released last week [mid Feb.].

By Ben Johnson,

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There are only so many topics we can include in each monthly issue of Education Reporter. So, we are providing links to some additional stories we think may be of interest to our readers.




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