The Online Newspaper of Education Rights
This Edition: June 2023
No Reason to be Proud of Pride Month
The month of June was first designated “Pride Month” in 1999 by President Bill Clinton. When Barack Obama became president, he modified it to be officially recognized as LGBT Pride Month. When Joe Biden took office, he proclaimed June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month, which leads many to wonder if all letters of the alphabet will eventually be included in the title of this month-long celebration of aberrant sexual behavior.
While allegedly established to honor the right of LGBTQ+ persons to live a “dignified life,” a right they already had under existing laws, this recognition has helped foster an ever more extreme agenda. LGBTQ+ indoctrination has spread from the colleges and universities throughout K-12 education, and the ideology has co-opted the business sector, politics, the military services, and virtually all other American institutions. Along with this mainstreaming of their narrative, some observers charge that the LGBTQ lobby has been given special rights.
MoreParents’ Groups Throw Down the Gauntlet
Every day it seems that yet another parents’ group defending children comes to light, whether they are fighting CRT, opposing transgender indoctrination, or attempting to shield kids from pornographic library books. Recently, Education Reporter learned of the Contend Projects, a nonprofit group founded in 2016 to counteract misinformation about when human life begins.
Northern Virginia author, mom, and science buff Brooke Stanton started Contend Projects, along with fellow parent and friend Christiane West. The two define their group as “a secular, nonpartisan, science education nonprofit with the mission to spread accurate information and awareness about the biological science of human embryology and when a human being begins to exist.” Contend’s main goal is to educate people by helping to make “essential scientific facts easily accessible in a simple and positive way, as a matter of basic education and to empower informed decisions.”
MoreTeaching Students to Hate America
Along with CRT and LGBT indoctrination, children are being taught in both public and private school classrooms to hate America, by teachers who were themselves indoctrinated in university schools of education. Parents have long expressed concerns about anti-American propaganda, with virtual learning during the pandemic proving to have been especially eye-opening.
A recent example of biased instruction is the widely publicized incidence of Austin, Texas Independent School District (ISD) teacher Sophia DeLoretto-Chudy, who claimed in a viral TikTok video that she was punished by her school district for teaching third-graders “about the Constitution and their constitutional rights.” A view of her video tells a different story.
MoreTeen Eagles Explore the Marxist-Leninist Worldview
Last month, Education Reporter introduced the topic of worldviews, or the ways people “view” the world in terms of their belief systems, ideology, understanding, and actions. We described the first episode in the St. Louis Teen Eagles’ (TE) series of exclusive videos on this topic, called Worldviews Explained: the Biblical Christian Worldview, and promised to alert readers when the next video was released.
We are pleased to announce that the second installment, Worldviews Explained: Marxism-Leninism, is now available on the group’s YouTube channel. Like the first presentation, this video describes five aspects of the worldview in question, including theology, biology, politics, economics, and history.
Book Review
What is a Woman?:
One Man’s Journey to Answer the Question of a Generation
By Matt Walsh
DW Books, 2022
- Longtime children’s program Sesame Street is “shoving Pride Month down kids’ throats” with a prideful Elmo.
- A Twitter user known as Underlord posted a compelling thread on June 1st titled “ESG and Pride Month: The Coercive Rainbow Agenda.”
- Yet another parent is pleading with Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) to remove obscene books containing illustrations of “deviant sex acts” from school libraries. More
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Contributing Author Essays
PEA: Younger Sister of the NEA in the Public Education Movement
Editor’s Note: The May issue of Education Reporter featured part one of a series by Dr. Mary Byrne, Ed.D., on how the National Education Association (NEA) is molding the future of American education. The May article demonstrated that, before the NEA could succeed in this effort, it first had to itself be remolded. This month, Education Reporter publishes part two of this fascinating exposé.
Patricia Albjerg Graham documented PEA’s history in her book, Progressive Education: from Arcady to Academe. PEA was founded in April 1919 by Washington matrons, private school teachers, and a few public-school people. John Dewey agreed to become PEA’s honorary president, lending his name to the fledgling organization to give it credibility and a connection to the history of the progressive education movement. He would also serve as an honorary president of the NEA.
by Dr. Mary Byrne
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