The Online Newspaper of Education Rights
This Edition: January 2024
The ‘Q’ Behind LGBT: What it Means
While the argument could be made that any sense of traditional sexual normalcy has already been shattered with the advent of the transgender movement and the general acceptance in American culture of sexual deviancy, others say we haven’t seen anything yet.
For years, the Left trumpeted the acronym “LGBT,” which stood for the labeling of individuals as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. In 2016, however, the Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) added ‘Q’ for Queer, lengthening the acronym to LGBTQ to include so-called “queer or questioning identities.” More recently, activists have tacked on an I and an A — for Intersex and Asexual — in their endless quest to expand opportunities for the denial of immutable biological reality.
MoreThe Death of Science Education in America
Traditional science education in America is in its death throes, and precious few are seeking to halt its demise. One notable exception is physicist John Droz, a member of the CO2 Coalition, an all-volunteer group of 10,000 individuals dedicated to strengthening the understanding of the role of science and the scientific process in addressing complex public policy issues such as climate change.
The coalition believes science produces “empirical, measurable, objective facts and provides a means for testing hypotheses that can be replicated and potentially disproven.” In a nutshell, this describes the “scientific method,” a centuries-old approach to investigating the material world for the purpose of forming hypotheses and testing them with experiments to determine scientific reality and acquire knowledge.
MoreCharter Schools Get Better Results
Parents are moving their children from government school district schools to charter schools in increasing numbers and have been doing so for the past four years. So confirms a report titled Believing in Public Education: A Demographic and State-level Analysis of Public Charter School and District Public School Enrollment Trends, released in December by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools.
Alliance researchers studied enrollment data from 2019 through 2023 in both charter schools and government school district schools. Among the findings: Charter school enrollment has climbed 9 percent since 2019 while government-school district enrollment declined 3.5 percent. And this does not include the thousands of students across the country who are languishing in district schools while their names remain hopefully on charter-school waiting lists.
MoreFighting the Good Fight: MassResistance Turns 30
The past several years have given rise to many effective, parent-driven, grassroots organizations that are fighting to protect children from the educational onslaught of the Progressive Left. But one stellar group has been in the thick of the culture wars for decades: MassResistance just celebrated its 30th year of pro-family activism in 2023.
The organization’s beginnings were humble; a group of fed-up parents met around a kitchen table during the summer of 1993 in Newton, Massachusetts, which they describe as “a very liberal suburb of Boston.” The issue at the time was that the government school system was already introducing “a graphic, homosexuality-laced mandatory sex-ed program for the 6th grade.” The district kept very quiet about the content, but a few parents found out about it and were very upset.
MoreEducation Related Links
There are only so many topics we can include in each monthly issue of Education Reporter. So, we are providing links to some additional stories we think may be of interest to our readers.

Book Review
Indoctrinating Our
Children to Death:
Government Schools’ War on
Faith, Family, and Freedom
—and How to Stop it
by Alex Newman,
2024, Liberty Sentinel Press
- Supporters of school choice predict 2024 will be their third successful year in a row for growth.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs and offices seem to be in decline, at least in higher education, as the Washington Examiner recently documented.
- Another Libs of TikTok (LOTT) investigative report exposes on X how the State of Virginia is working with Planned Parenthood to cut out parents from their child’s medical decisions using “judicial bypass.”
- The Parental Rights Foundation wants parents to be aware that state legislatures across the country are launching their 2024 sessions and that the watchdog organization will be monitoring their progress. More
Be Our Guest:
Contributing Author Essays
Celebrating History: A Glimpse Through Time in St. Louis’s
Lafayette Square
Originally written as an Honors class project. Reprinted by permission.
From the corner of Mississippi and Park Avenues in the historic Lafayette Square neighborhood of St. Louis, Missouri, the neighbors and passers-by have long admired the architecture of Victorian-style homes, listened to bands play on summer nights in Lafayette Park, or observed General Thornton Grimsley parading his cavalry around the loop in 1850, showcasing his military prowess. Standing in this same spot today, one can count up to nearly two hundred years and reflect that almost everything looks and sounds the same as it did long ago.
This is what it means to be part of an historic neighborhood. One does not just live in the community; the community lives on in the people. Its scent remains in refurbished old wood and the fresh clay dried in new bricks. Against the powerful cultural trend to tear down what is beautiful but decaying and build anew what is ugly but practical, the people of Lafayette Square have fought to preserve their history. Theirs is a success story, and one which merits a glance back in time.
by Theresa M. Kallal
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