The Online Newspaper of Education Rights
This Edition: January 2023
CRT Goes to Medical School
At least 58 of the top 100 medical schools in the U.S. now include mandatory Critical Race Theory (CRT)-related programs and curricula. With just over 150 accredited medical schools currently in operation, this means nearly 40 percent are already infected to some degree with “anti-racism,” “cultural competency requirements,” and “diversity, equity, and inclusion” propaganda. While we know CRT is taught in one form or another in most universities and colleges as well as in many K-12 classrooms, its proponents have now successfully invaded the once sacrosanct environment of the medical school.
The issue of wokeness in medicine surfaced in November 2022 when research posted on the website revealed details about CRT-specific programs and curricula on medical-school campuses throughout the nation. This website features an interactive map that visitors can click on to find a breakdown of CRT curricula specific to institutions of higher learning in each state, including medical schools.
MoreLegal Insurrection:
Because ‘the Remedy for Racism is Never More Racism’
“Legal Insurrection describes the spirit of what we do, and what we do is disruption. That’s how we’ve been described.” So says Professor William A. Jacobson of the Legal Insurrection Foundation (LIF), a non-profit organization founded in 2019 and whose mission is to “investigate, educate, and litigate.” LIF monitors CRT coursework, training, and related programs in educational institutions across the nation.
The year 2022 was LIF’s busiest and most prolific so far. One of its websites,, is a unique platform of databases and interactive maps showcasing the presence of CRT curricula and activities at universities and colleges across the U.S., and is mentioned in Education Reporter’s lead January article, CRT Goes to Medical School. The website’s expansive databases provide a wealth of verifiable information about CRT indoctrination in private schools, K-12 schools, medical schools, and most recently, in the nation’s military academies. The sheer volume of data has prompted more than 100 media mentions.
MoreSetting the Stage for College Transformation
On January 6 of this year, a date that may eventually live in infamy for reasons other than the so-called January 6 “insurrection” of 2021, Governor Ron DeSantis appointed six conservatives to the 13-member board of trustees of the New College of Florida. DeSantis’ goal is to transform the 700-student, leftwing public liberal arts institution into “the Hillsdale of Florida.”
The governor’s office told Fox News Digital in a statement that the DeSantis appointees all have “a firsthand understanding of the Florida education system as a product of their work with us and the Florida Department of Education on other important initiatives.” The statement claims that New College has been “captured by a political ideology that puts trendy, truth-relative concepts above learning,” and that it “has reached a moment of critical mass, wherein low student enrollment and other financial stresses have emerged from its skewed focus and impractical course offerings.”
MoreSchool Choice Expansion in 2023 and What it Really Means
A late December article in the Washington Examiner predicted a surge in school choice programs in Republican states in 2023. The article stated: “After a banner year in 2022 that saw Arizona become the first state to enact a universal school choice program supporters praised as the ‘gold standard’ of school choice, other state legislatures are poised to enact similar programs in the coming months.”
In Arizona, the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program dollars follow the student, and parents can decide where they want to enroll their child. Any student who opts out of public schools may receive approximately $7,000 annually for private school tuition, homeschool supplies, tutoring, or other educational aids.
Book Review
The Myth of American Inequality: How Government
Biases Policy Debate
By Phil Gramm, Robert Ekelund,
and John Early,
Rowman & Littlefield, 2022
- Prestigious Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia failed to notify top students in a timely manner that they had received National Merit Scholar certificates, and Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears is furious. The school dragged its feet for months before notifying students of the awards — which were announced last May — and then simply dropped the certificates off at their desks without announcement or fanfare.
- In December, The Washington Stand reported on what it calls the little-known movement of transgender people “detransitioning” from the lifestyle. While the transgender explosion has shown no signs of stopping in recent years, “a related but much less highlighted trend is simultaneously occurring — a movement almost completely ignored by the mainstream media,” which is the “detransitioner” movement.
- Community colleges across the country are experiencing staffing shortages due to a ripple effect from the pandemic, having lost 13 percent of their employees from January 2020 through April 2022. Inside Higher reported on the problem this month, noting that while four-year institutions essentially recovered their losses following the pandemic, community colleges “have lagged.” More
Be Our Guest:
Contributing Author Essays
Real Reform Must Involve Superintendents
The following originally appeared on the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) website on December 22, 2022. Reprinted by permission.
2022 has been a year of long-overdue school board accountability. Boards could no longer use COVID as an excuse to slam the schoolhouse door in parents’ faces, and shocking videos laid bare the obscene content these boards were placing in the hands of America’s children. A round of scandalously low test scores turned up the heat on groups that, for too long, had been content to operate quietly.
This was a reckoning, but it only ever touched on half the problem of local school governance. Superintendents, some of the most powerful education bureaucrats, skated by unscathed.
by Angela Morabito
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