The Online Newspaper of Education Rights
This Edition: February 2023
Prevail or Fail: Transgender Cult Under Fire
Since 2015, the cult of transgenderism has exploded, with more than 100 so-called “pediatric gender clinics” now in operation that have been chemically and surgically “transitioning” children with impunity. More recently, however, the facade of “gender affirming care” has begun to crack under the burden of its ugly reality.
Many are likely aware of the recent publicity surrounding whistleblower Jamie Reed, and her January 26 article in The Free Press describing the atrocities taking place at one of these gender clinics, the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children's Hospital. Reed describes herself as “a 42-year-old St. Louis native, a queer woman, and politically to the left of Bernie Sanders.” But during her four years as a case manager at the center, she witnessed ever-increasing numbers of youth, mostly girls, “many with no previous history of gender distress,” declaring out of the blue that they were transgender and demanding “immediate treatment with testosterone.”
MorePro-Child Advocates Speak Out
Author, political commentator, podcaster, and documentary filmmaker, Matt Walsh, recently testified before a Tennessee House of Representatives’ Health Committee about whether or not 16-year-old kids are capable of making adult decisions with respect to life-changing surgeries. Walsh was accused by his Democrat questioners of saying that 16-year-olds should marry and that 16-year-old girls should get pregnant. Walsh acknowledged the attack and calmly explained that the remark was an observation he had made many years ago on his radio show about how, historically, people married at young ages.
After correcting his questioner [Rep. Caleb Hemmer, D-Nashville] and not about to be bullied, Walsh continued: “People are considered adults at 18, but their brains are not fully developed until they’re 25, so we should be considering whether we should be doing these surgeries to people at 18. But certainly before 18 it shouldn’t be considered.” He then pointedly asked: “Do you think that 16-year-olds could meaningfully consent to having their body parts removed?” An awkward silence followed his question, then Hemmer haltingly informed Walsh that “We ask the questions.”
MoreEpidemic of Illiteracy, and a Response
The following is an original article written exclusively for Education Reporter by Andy Schlafly, a conservative attorney who practices before the U.S. Supreme Court and many lower courts. Andy is also a teacher, having instructed more than 400 teen students and written textbook-length course materials on American history and other advanced high school level subjects. He holds a Bachelor of Science (B.S.E.) degree in engineering from Princeton University and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) law degree from Harvard University.
An epidemic of illiteracy in the U.S. has been building for decades. Estimates are that more than 40 million American adults are illiterate, while third-grade reading proficiency has been declining year-to-year. Performance on annual tests by public school students has sharply declined since 2020, which some attribute to the Covid pandemic or the response to it.
MoreDeceitful School Administrators
Subverting Parents, State Laws
The pro-family organization, Accuracy in Media (AIM), has been busy exposing the intentional undermining of parents’ wishes and state legislatures using investigative journalism reminiscent of Project Veritas. Most recently, AIM posted an undercover video on Twitter of Utah public school administrators and union officials bragging about the presence of CRT and social-emotional learning (SEL) in every school. “We just don’t tell the parents,” one official admitted.
In the video, teacher specialist Letitia Vigil explains how her team coaches teachers to “frontload some of those conversations that, you know, might be considered CRT or white privilege.” We teach them how to “name things and how to talk about things.”
Book Review
Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds
By Michael Knowles
Regnery Publishing, 2022
- A University of Wisconsin (UW) survey on free speech conducted by the UW-Stout’s Menard Center for Public Policy and Service shows that nearly 60 percent of UW system students are afraid to share their opinions in class. When asked if there have been times when they wanted to express their thoughts on controversial subjects but decided to remain silent, 57 percent said yes. Nearly a third (31 percent) said they were afraid of a complaint being filed against them, and 40 percent feared their grades would be negatively impacted if they spoke their minds.
- In late January, former president Donald Trump announced his education policy plan for 2024, which includes components that his base will applaud and liberals will scorn. According to POLITICO, a new Trump administration would focus on “the culture war components that have animated conservatives,” such as cuts in federal funding for schools that teach “critical race theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content ...” Trump would also seek to end “teacher tenure and the election of school principals.”
- The Catholic Diocese of Des Moines, Iowa has adopted seven new policies in its parishes and schools banning “gender identity” politics, “preferred gender pronouns,” and puberty blockers. The policies took effect in mid-January at 17 schools and 80 parishes across the diocese, which covers southwestern Iowa. As may be expected, liberals and progressives immediately attacked the plan. Fox News reported that Democrat State Sen. Claire Celsi called the move “un-Christian,” claiming that “the diocese was pushing to ‘[codify] ostracism of transgender kids.’” More
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Contributing Author Essays
How Restorative Justice Endangers Students and Teachers
The following was originally published by The American Spectator on January 27, 2023. Reprinted by permission.
As millions of children settle into an uninterrupted academic term, widespread classroom disorder is undermining efforts to reintroduce students to in-person learning.
This increased disorder corresponds with an increase in district-approved “restorative justice” programs, which address classroom dysfunction through nonpunitive measures. Though these programs have existed for decades, they are gaining momentum nationwide.
by Irit Tratt
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