The Online Newspaper of Education Rights
This Edition: December 2022
Profile in Courage:
Dr. Paul McHugh, Champion of Science
An accomplished psychiatrist and consummate scientist for more than 50 years, Dr. Paul McHugh is a tireless defender of objective truth. Educated at Harvard Medical School, McHugh continued his studies at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he focused on neurology and neuropathology. He went on to attend the Institute of Psychiatry in London, followed by a stint in the Division of Neuropsychiatry at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
During his studies and subsequent work in the field of psychiatry, Dr. McHugh developed a healthy skepticism of certain psychiatric theories and fads. As the famed late author, Tom Wolfe, said of McHugh, who treated him for depression following bypass surgery: “Paul McHugh of Johns Hopkins is the man who rescued modern psychiatry from a coven of flaming nut cases with medical degrees who actually believed in such lunatic notions as ‘recovered memory,’ ‘sexual reassignment,’ ‘multiple personality disorder,’ ‘physician-assisted suicide,’ ‘Vietnam-specific post-traumatic stress syndrome,’ and destroyed innumerable lives as long as they held sway.” (Quote taken from, May 2021.)
More‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Threatens Families
According to the pollster Gallup, a new high 71 percent of Americans support same-sex marriage, while nearly 60 percent of regular church goers oppose it. Gallup also shows that just 17 percent of Americans say they are “satisfied with the direction of the country,”
Moreover, the percentage of Americans who admit they are “not too happy” with how things are going has increased from 10 percent in 2000 to nearly a quarter in 2022, and those who profess to be “very happy” has decreased during the same time period, from 34 percent to just 19 percent. As conservative pundit Star Parker observed in The Liberty Dispatch: “Clearly, many Americans sense there is something very wrong going on in our country.”
MoreUniversity Professors Sign Up for Free Speech
An exciting development has been quietly unfolding in higher education since early summer 2022. The Stanford Academic Freedom Declaration garnered some publicity when it was issued last June with 160 professors’ signatures, but much lesser known is the fact that as of this writing it has more than 1,650 signatures and counting. While members of the general public are also welcome to sign, most of the signatories are professors and affiliates of the nation’s non-sectarian universities and colleges.
Essentially, the declaration, or the “open letter” as it has also been called, urges universities and colleges to move away from the speech-stifling wokeness that has become so pervasive in recent years, and instead to embrace academic freedom. As writer/contributor Esther Wickham noted in The College Fix, the Declaration advises universities “to adopt and implement the ‘Chicago Trifecta’ — the Chicago Principles on unilateral free speech, the Kalven report that requires institutional neutrality on political and social topics, and the Shils report, making ‘academic contribution the sole basis for hiring and promotion.’”
Book Review
The Collapse of Parenting: How We Hurt Our Kids When We Treat Them Like Grown-Ups
By Leonard Sax, M.D., Ph.D.,
Basic Books, 2016
- On December 13, President Joe Biden turned the signing of the unnecessary and controversial ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ into a radical LGBT spectacle. Pandering to the far-left base of the Democrat Party, the Biden White House was lit up on Tuesday night with the rainbow colors that have become the symbol for LGBT activism. But it seems the fanfare may have only been appreciated by the extremist minority.
- Actor, writer, and outspoken Christian, Kirk Cameron has approached more than 50 public libraries requesting a story hour slot to read his new faith-based children’s book, without a single one granting permission until recently. This despite the fact that numerous libraries across the country champion drag queen story hours, and some even have programs promoting “gender fluidity, inclusion, and diversity.” According to a Fox News report, other libraries offer “’name change’ clinics for older teens and adults who want to alter their official paperwork for gender-identity reasons.”
- Public-school enrollment continues its downward trend for the 2022-2023 school year. In her monthly subscriber email, Kerry McDonald of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) showed that public school districts “from Austin to Minneapolis, and Los Angeles to New York City are reporting enrollment declines this academic year.” According to Stanford University education professor, Thomas Dee, “current enrollment data indicate that a broad return to public schools simply did not happen.” More
Be Our Guest:
Contributing Author Essays
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our readers. This month, we thought it worthwhile to reprint two timeless Christmas messages written by our late founder during the 1970s.
The following is a reprint of the Phyllis Schlafly Column, which was published on December 25, 1975.
The Angel Gabriel said to the virgin engaged to Joseph the carpenter: “Hail, Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. You shall conceive and bring forth a Son, and shall call his name Jesus.”
By Phyllis Schlafly
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